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第498章 Miss Mu, this is domestic violence 3



"What are you doing on the phone all of a sudden?"

"Nothing, hang up."

Hung up his cell phone, he patted her, "OK?"

"It can be a wool!" Claudia pushed him away and lifted his face. "Forget it, then what have you done in M country without contacting me for such a long time?"

Rowan‘s eyes flashed slightly and he replied, "Cure the disease."

"Cure?" Hearing this, Claudia was frightened, "what disease is it to cure? What‘s wrong with you?"

"Don‘t worry." He bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead. "It‘s just a little insomnia. You also said I had heavy dark circles under my eyes, so I went to Wen Jing."

"Is she a doctor?"


"Are you all right now?"


With a sigh of relief, she grabbed his skirt angrily, "cure the disease, cure the disease! Why don‘t you contact me! Rowan, you are dying!"

"I don‘t want you to worry." He said, hugging her and smelling the fresh fragrance of shampoo on her hair. "All right, don‘t be angry."

She whispered "uh".

This matter is a cover-up of the past.

Claudia was coaxed to go to bed first, and Rowan went into the bathroom.

A text message came in from the cell phone.

He ordered it, which was sent by Wen Jing.

"Brother, that medicine is not a long-term solution."

Deleted the text message, he opened a shower.


"You have paranoia about murder!"

No matter how good the upbringing and gentlemanly manner are, they are also in vain in front of unreasonable women.

Alger has not been so angry with anyone yet!

Miss Qin‘s brain was wide open and she suspected that he was deliberately approaching.

"I have nothing to do with approaching you!"

"What? Did Claudia send you to seduce me, and then I can stay away from Rowan, your master and servant have good thoughts!"

"Seduce you? Can I seduce you?"

"Why not!"

One question, one answer.

Here, both of them froze again.

Qin Siyi was chagrined and wanted to find a crevice to get in.

Oh, my God!

What the hell is she talking about?

How, how can I admit it in front of him!

With a slight cough, Alger gripped the steering wheel. "It was just a coincidence that day without the deliberate approach you said. You know, it is better not to clear you."


"I what? You know Miss Qin likes to speculate on other people‘s kindness so much, I am really a dog taking a mouse and meddling."

"Don‘t go too far!"

"I have gone too far? Miss Qin, I‘d like to know, where have I gone too far? It is not me but Miss Qin who has wronged people."

However, Qin Siyi was angry and anxious, and she couldn‘t face it. She pushed open the car door and got off the bus.

The night was cool, she had a cold war and her nose became sour.

Before taking a few steps, his arm was grasped.

Alger‘s low male voice sounded, "Get in the car and I‘ll take you back."

"Don‘t worry about it!" She shook off his hand and finally cried.

Under this circumstance, Alger has been blindfolded.

Long street, night, boundless.

Slowly evolved into a crying girl to cry the sky.

Alger raked his hair irritably and his cell phone in his pocket shook.

He took out his cell phone and opened it. It was a text message from Tao Yuewei.

‘I can‘t sleep, Hiragawa. Have you slept?‘

Frowned and put his cell phone into his pocket, he took Qin Siyi‘s arm again and warned in a low voice: "Shut up and get on the bus honestly, or I will leave you here!"

Qin Siyi sobbed and stared at him pitifully, with tears still hanging on his face.

However, when he pulled her towards the car, he did not struggle any more.

She was shoved into the co-pilot and Alger took the driver‘s seat.

Take out your mobile phone and reply to Tao Yuewei‘s text message first.

"Girlfriend?" Ear, is Qin Siyi‘s voice with unknown meaning.

He didn‘t answer and started the car. "Where is your home?"

Qin Siyi held her shoulder and looked out of the window. For a long time, a faint female voice said, "That day, you really shouldn‘t mind your own business."

Alger‘s eyes flashed behind his glasses and coughed softly and said, "I‘m sorry, I didn‘t have a very good attitude just now. Miss Qin, can you say where your home is?"

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