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第35章 Chapter 35 One Night Husband and Wife Hundred Days of Grace 4

I smiled cleverly at Old Lady Pei, then picked up my cell phone and walked to the quiet corner, calling several company bosses I knew well.

There is no exception to the results.

Everyone prevaricated and refused to say a word clearly.

In the end, a partner who had a good relationship with me said carefully, "Director Li, have you offended anyone recently? If so, go and dredge the relationship, and maybe it will be all right."

Say that finish, the other party seemed afraid of being monitored, and even hung up the phone without waiting for me to speak.

My palm was holding the mobile phone, tightening, and my face had changed and changed.

Summer, I am in Haicheng, and I have always made friends with anyone in all directions. Because of Pei Zhao and Pei Shi, even if I feel wronged, I swallow it back into my stomach. How can I offend people?

If you really want to say offend people, then there is only one person.


Just because I hung up his phone and didn‘t go to Carl immediately afterwards, did this man retaliate against me crazily?

In Haicheng, the only thing that can do is to cover the sky with one hand.

After all, Carl family is involved in the economic lifeline of Haicheng, and no one can afford to offend him.

I kept taking deep breaths and completely drove out the bored mood that had accumulated in my heart.

However, Carl‘s face, like a skinned human skin, stuck to my heart and could not dissipate.

I know that if I don‘t take the initiative to find Carl, the matter will become more and more fermentative and eventually shake the foundation of the Pei family. By then, the matter between Carl and me will not be hidden at all.

I underestimated Carl and overestimated myself.

The mobile phone was tightly held in my palm. It took me a long time to take a deep breath. After hanging up Carl‘s phone, I took the initiative to call the man‘s mobile phone.

Carl seemed to oppose me. No matter how loud the cell phone rang, no one answered it.

I can be sure that Carl did it on purpose.

However, I can‘t say or do anything to people, because I am at a disadvantage, not Carl.

I quieted down. When I thought Carl really wouldn‘t answer the phone, the man‘s lazy voice came: "Something?"

I bit my lower lip and thought about how to open the white field, but there were thousands of thoughts in my mind. In Carl‘s first words, I had already collapsed.

"Mrs. Pei is not pregnant? I am really flattered that such a proud person has also taken the initiative to call Bo." The tone, which is not salty or light, is full of sarcasm.

I endured it and said humbly, "Boss Carl, if it is the place where I offended you, please include it. The employees below me are all innocent. Don‘t implicate the innocent."

This is clear enough.

I know, Carl knows what I mean.

It happened that Carl laughed aloud in a low voice. I froze and couldn‘t tell Carl‘s mood at the moment.

"Director Li." This time, Carl changed his name, "you this phone, is a lavatory directly buckle me? Do you think that I did what happened to Pei?"

I was shocked by the question.

"Where is the evidence?" Carl‘s tone darkened. "Summer and Haicheng haven‘t dared to put such a big hat on me in front of me."

"I-" I was speechless, but soon, softened, "Boss Carl, that‘s not what I meant."

"What does that mean?" Carl is not going to let me go.

I took a deep breath, my mind has become a mess, want to entangle with Carl, I have never been his opponent, especially when Carl bite you, I is losing.

I am the defeated mouse and Carl is the cat.

The cat teases the mouse, and the mouse can survive until the cat is satisfied.

"I‘m sorry, I was reckless." I apologize immediately.

"Summer." Carl was quiet for a while, and the low magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone. "Do you know what I need most?"

Me: "…"

"I‘m just sorry." Carl has sentenced me to death word by word, "maybe I didn‘t speak in Haicheng? What I said is always ignored by someone?"

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