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第28章 Chapter 28 Will you not be unwilling to be replaced?

"If you don‘t want to answer, you can ignore this question." Gu Zijing saw her embarrassment, and the gentleman‘s mouth resolved her embarrassment.

Melody‘s eyes hung down and he was thoughtful.

In an instant, both of them were silent and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

In the end, Gu Zijing broke the silence first. "I heard your mentor say that you are the most potential top student in the law department this year, and you have also walked abroad?"

"Well, I didn‘t know until today." Talk about some relaxed topics, Melody is not so nervous.

Seeing her relax, Gu Zijing smiled and said, "I think you know that I came back this time to marry The melody family. What do you think of the current situation?"

"Opinion?" Melody wondered what she could say.

"Well. I mean, you won‘t be unwilling to be replaced?" In fact, what Gu Zijing wants to ask more is, why was she replaced by such a handsome fiance, and she didn‘t respond at all...

Melody‘s answer is very concise, "No."

Gu Zijing‘s self-esteem was frustrated. This woman is really different.

"So you accepted this decision?"

Melody shrugged his shoulders. "Otherwise?"

What if she doesn‘t accept it? If she really can not marry, she thinks it is quite good. At the very least, she doesn‘t have to marry into a rich and powerful family. She can decide her own fate.

Besides, she didn‘t want to marry him from the beginning.

For so many years, she has been waiting for her big brother...

It‘s a pity that now...

Gu Zijing was a serious setback to her. He was extremely curious about what the woman was thinking. It was unbelievable that he did not want to leave such a handsome boy as him, but also looked indifferent.

"Mr. Gu." Melody called him, "Although my father cheated you, I don‘t think there is anything wrong with it. Luo Qian is beautiful and nice. He can definitely be your wife instead of me. You can pretend not to know about this."

Her suggestion sounds really funny.

Gu Zijing pulled at the corners of his mouth, "Are you so unwilling to marry me?"

Melody froze. I didn‘t expect him to ask so. It took a long time before she replied, "It was originally a family marriage. There was no basis for love. Whoever married used to be the same."

This, since let eloquent Gu Zijing don‘t know how to refute.

Melody saw that he was silent and took the initiative to get up. "Let‘s talk about it today. I still have classes in the afternoon. Mr. Gu, thank you for your cake."

Say, smile, lift step away.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Gu Zijing was shocked.

This woman, why is she supercilious? Is it possible that she is in love?

I can‘t think of it. Gu Zijing was not in the mood to sit down again and got up to pay the bill.

"Sir, that‘s two hundred and seventy."

Give the money to the waiter, "Keep the change."

Say that finish, just left the seat, was stopped.

"Is this yours, sir?"

Gu Zijing heard the sound and saw a protective talisman fall into his hands.

Suddenly, his face suddenly changed and his eyebrows tightened.

"It was her..."

… …

After a day‘s class, at 6 pm, the driver showed up at the school gate on time.

Today, Kevin did not come and Melody relaxed a lot.

The journey was smooth and it was getting dark when we arrived at the castle.

As soon as I entered the castle, there was a sound of smashing things far away.

Melody stopped in fear and saw Berg come out of the room and remind her carefully, "Miss Lowe, the young master is in a bad mood today. Later, don‘t mess with him."

"What happened?"

Berg shook his head and looked helpless. "I don‘t know, it‘s been like this since the young master came out of Dr. Tang‘s laboratory today."

Melody frowned and asked, "Because of wolf poison?"

At ordinary times, Kevin‘s temper is not good and he is always angry. If it is the attack of wolf poison, it will be even worse.

Somehow, Melody shuddered.

"In short, Miss Luo is better to be careful!"

Being so frightened by Berg, Melody walked into the room on tenterhooks.

I saw Kevin sitting on the dining table, looking gloomy at the dishes on the dining table.

"These are what a mess! Feed pigs?" A loud roar, angry chopsticks threw out.

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